5. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and French Arthurian romance /


Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

Subject: Gawain-- Romances-- History and criticism.,Gauvain,Gawain,Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.,Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.,Gawain and the Grene Knight.,Romans de la Table ronde.,Sir Gawain and the green knight,Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.,Arthurian romances-- History and criticism.,Chivalry in literature.,Comparative literature-- English and French.,Comparative literature-- French and English.,French poetry-- To 1500-- History and criticism.,Knights and knighthood in literature.,Romances, English-- History and criticism.,Literature, Comparative-- English (Middle) and French (Old),Literature, Comparative-- French (Old) and English (Middle),French poetry-- To 1500-- History and criticism.,Romances, English-- History and criticism.,Chevalerie dans la littérature.,Chevaliers dans la littérature.,Cycle d'Arthur-- Histoire et critique.,Gauvain (Personnage légendaire)-- Romans, nouvelles, etc.-- Histoire et critique.,Littérature comparée-- Anglaise et française.,Littérature comparée-- Française et anglaise.,Poésie française-- Avant 1500-- Histoire et critique.,Roman courtois anglais-- Histoire et critique.,Arthurian romances.,Arthurromans.,Artusepik,Chivalry in literature.,Comparative literature-- English and French.,Comparative literature-- French and English.,French poetry.,Gawain and the Green Knight (anoniem),Knights and knighthood in literature.,Littérature comparée-- Anglaise et française.,Littérature comparée-- Française et anglaise.,Romances, English.,Romances.,Romans de la table ronde-- Histoire et critique.,Altfranzösisch., 7

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